Freight Farms

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Isn't it radishing?

One of the best things about having a Leafy Green Machine at our office in Boston is that we can experiment with growing crops that we’ve never grown before. We do this so we’re able to learn more about what grows best, and relay that information onto our freight farmers.

Earlier this summer, each member of the team was called on to pick a few crops that they would like to grow in the farm, no matter how far-fetched. We called it the One Tower Project, and over the last few weeks, they’ve sprouted, grown tall (or wide), been transplanted into vertical towers, and harvested.

This week was a big one because we harvested a crop that no one expected would grow so well in the LGM...radishes. You could say it was a bit of a breakthrough. We were all in awe with the color, shape and taste.

Who chose to grow radishes? That’d be Jon. They’re his favorite vegetable.

We’ve got even more in the queue for harvest, so we’ll keep you in the loop. If you’re wondering who runs the LGM at Freight Farms HQ stay tuned, because next week you’ll meet our farm team Jaime and Andrew.